Laundry Equipment Parts in Phoenix, AZ

For more than 30 years, Laundry & Cleaners has assisted our customers with replacement parts. Our quality repair parts are sold at competitive prices and backed by our proven record of customer satisfaction.

To ensure quality, we are committed to providing our customers with only genuine manufacturer's parts. Our laundry parts department is fully stocked, and we are able to ship anywhere in the United States. Please do not hesitate to call us at (602) 244-0800 or email

Comprehensive Laundry Equipment Service

We know when a machine is down, you are out of business. We respond quickly, professionally and charge reasonable rates. Our experienced laundry service technicians’ vehicles are fully stocked with repair parts. To schedule a service call, call us at (602) 244-0800 or email

Authorized Dealer For

Contact us if you’re looking for a specific part for your commercial dryer, washer, or ironer/folder. We proudly serve commercial customers in Phoenix and throughout Arizona.